Whitesmith welcomes Coimbra.Blockchain

Whitesmith welcomes Coimbra.Blockchain

Whitesmith opened up its doors to the Blockchain community this month, as hosts of Episode 3 of the Coimbra.Blockchain series of events. The event brought together businesses, students and practitioners with an interest in Blockchain to learn from talks and build connections in the Web3 community.

This sixth event from Coimbra.Blockchain (s2 ep3) saw around 75 attendees, either in-person or taking part online via livestream. The event aims to support the Blockchain community in our local region of Coimbra, but drew in-person attendees from as far afield as Lisbon and Braga to the Whitesmith offices for talks and networking.

Coimbra.Blockchain was formed as a collaboration between the students of the University of Coimbra and jeKnowledge and is a community spreading knowledge about Blockchain and its applications to the Coimbra region of Portugal and further afield. Whitesmith are proud to be supporters of Coimbra.Blockchain and hosts of this event, not only because of its locality to our Portugal office, but because of our own involvement with Blockchain through our sister company Blocksmith.

After a brief welcome from Coimbra.Blockchain’s Miguel Santana and our Own Gonçalo Louzada, the talks kicked off with an introduction to building frontends for decentralised applications from David Lange of Finiam that looked at some front-end challenges specific to web3 projects. The second segment moved away from the technical and focused more on the business of web3 with Alexandre Mendes of Subvisual joining Miguel on stage to answer questions from the audience and share his valuable insights into blockchain investments. You can catch up on both talks through the livestream recording.

We’re proud to have supported this event and continue to be part of the blockchain community on both a local and global level, and particularly to have it hosted in our own office. It was a great opportunity for us to build even stronger relationships to the community, and also for more of our team to get involved with the blockchain community beyond those specifically part of our Blocksmith operation.

For details of future Coimbra.Blockchain events you can follow the official account on twitter.

#company-news #people-culture #web3

Gonçalo Louzada

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