Hawkpost: the first year

Hawkpost: the first year

Last weekend marked the first year of the Whitesmith hackathon where Hawkpost was developed, presented and later made available to the public as an open-source project.

Since then, more than 500 people signed up, and here at Whitesmith, we have been using it extensively for several purposes.

As an open-source project with over than 700 stars on Github, which can be seen as a metric of relevance, we have been thinking about where it can be improved in order to deliver more value to its users.

For now, the next steps will be:

  • Remove the beta disclaimer and mark the current version as 1.0. This marks the current release as a major milestone for the Hawkpost project;
  • Implement a frequently requested feature: users should be able to encrypt and send small files, instead of just having raw text as an option. Feature-wise, this will be our next priority.

Do you want to get involved? Any suggestions on how to improve Hawkpost? Please let us know and help making the next year even better.

Don’t know what Hawkpost is? Please check the public repository or test it at hawkpost.co

#the-forge #product-development

Gonçalo Valério

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