Coimbra.rb Take 3! - Ruby Meetup

Coimbra.rb Take 3! - Ruby Meetup

by Whitesmith -

Last Friday we organized the third edition of Coimbra’s Ruby Meetup. And what a nice meetup it was - there were 3 great talks and even a pre-party with some great music.

The talks were:

  • RubyMotion - Ruby for iOS by Tiago Franco, WarRoom & Imaginary Cloud
  • Calabash by Pedro Carmona, Whitesmith
  • From the Niiiwsroom by Filipe Pina, Niiws

You can check two of the presentations down below.

But first, don’t forget to join us or submit your talk for the next event, that will happen in May.

RubyMotion - Ruby for iOS

By Tiago Franco from WarRoom & Imaginary Cloud.


By our own Pedro Carmona - Whitesmith.

See you on next edition!

Want to give a talk? Go ahead and submit here.



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