Summer Internship - André Macedo

Summer Internship - André Macedo

by Whitesmith -

My summer internship at Whitesmith this summer was a great experience. I was assigned to a project called “The Internet of Humans - Dashboard” (IOH-Dashboard), using Ember.js framework. The project consisted in a dashboard where the user could integrate several services (Fitbit, Withings, Facebook, Github, etc) and see some of their account’s statistics in the form of charts or numerical data. The purpose of the project was to have data from different services in one place, in order to make comparisons between them.

Before this internship, I had little to no experience with javascript and its frameworks and had never worked in a business environment. This internship allowed me to learn and gain experience with Ember.js and javascript concepts, alongside with a number of other important soft skills.

Whitesmith is a remote friendly company with a really good work environment as well as great people that guided me throughout my internship. All of those conditions made my experience extremely rewarding and I’m really thankful for the opportunity to have worked in such a good company.

Andre Macedo, student at the Universty of Coimbra’s Department of Informatics



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